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Surselva Flaigers

Official Carrier

 Latest News


Task 3


Task 3


Third day, third task, what more could you want?
The task is set!



Task 2 Review


Task 2

An 88 kilometre task was set today.
Again, a short leg was flown on the north side, followed by the south side.
The conditions were a bit more challenging on the south side today, as there was more wind than yesterday.

Nevertheless, many pilots reached the finish line.
For the others, it was a somewhat longer journey home to Disentis.


Task 2 Overall

Task 2 Female

Task 2 SportsClass

Task 2 Junior

Competition Overall

Competition Female

Competition SportsClass

Competition Junior

Task 2

The second task is set.


Task 1 Review

today's task was planned just right.
Due to the light north wind, the thermals on the north side of the Surselva were disturbed.

On the south side, the conditions were much better. Strong thermals and base altitudes around 3400 metres ensured fast progress.

The fastest took around 80 minutes for the 60 kilometres. All but a few participants reached the finish.

Congratulations to all who were able to enjoy the day.

The results are still provisional.

Task 1 Overall

Task 1 Female

Task 1 SportsClass

Task 1 Junior

Disentis Open 2022 Task 1

The task is set.
Airstart expected at 14.00.
60 kilometres to the south, a nice task to start with.






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