Monday Task 1

Lots of humidity, clouds growing everywhere, but the Surselva and other parts of the "inner Alps" did profit from a lite "Föhn-Effect".

We took the chance, took off exactly when thermals where starting and cloud-base has been high enough (only 100m below TO-site) and with a Clock Start to avoid loosing time. 30 km is not a lot, but it worked perfectly, almost all pilots have been in goal when the task had to e stopped at 14:50.

Winner are the young Swiss Michael Maurer and Michael Küffer, 3rd the french Oldie Maxime Bellemin (sorry Max - but the Age of Maurer and Küffer together will be together the same as our single one ...). First women the (young!) Swiss Yael Margelish.
(But to be clear - their are many young French pilots here at Disentis!).

Results are published at our result page.

Some photos from Sunday (fog at take off) and monday from Martin

Fotos from Christoph Trutmann (Dam-Soaring in the afternoon)



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